- Met in UU Room 216
- Roll called at 8:10 pm
Ways to get HSB credit
- Study Abroad
- Volunteer for 2 events
- Cost financial aid, additional loan
- Semester at Sea
- Spain Study Abroad Information Session- Thursday October 17 in Building 10- 200
- Grand Canyon Program- contact Colleen Fitzgerrell if interested in program and about research opportunities
- Honors Seminars
- Research Opportunities: talk to director with proposal, build team
- Credits are different than UNITS
- Need 8 honors credits, NOT the same as units
- Classes as honors contract- regular class with one extra step
- Consider using honors contract with major/concentration classes
- Internship credit for honors program
- Honors learning community (is it in effect this year?)
- Community service: Arroyo Grande High School - 4-11 time slots, fundraiser
- Horse Show this weekend!
- PASS Party in two weeks
- Please bring Money for food. $10 for the quarter